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Suggestions and FAQ

Giving admonition

Some suggestions for ensuring your feedback is constructive:

Receiving admonition

It can be scary to let the world tell you anything. Here are a few suggestions on receiving criticism:

Maintaining anonymity

Concerned about maintaining anonymity? Here are a few suggestions:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Admonymous?
As a feedback-receiver: Admonymous provides you with a link through which you can receive anonymous feedback via a text box. The feedback you've received is visible only to you, when you are signed in.
As a feedback-giver: You can leave anonymous feedback for someone through their Admonymous page, assuming they've set up a page and shared the link.

Do I have to sign up to use the site?
No. You have to sign up if you want to get your own URL and receive admonitions, but you can admonish others without signing in.

Why do you ask me to sign in using my Google account?
This is done purely for authentication, and uses an external authentication through Google so we never get access to your Google credentials. By verifying that you have a real Google account and associating it with your Admonymous account, we discourage potential site abuse (one person signing up multiple times).

What happens to my data?
Your data is not sold or shared with any third party. You can also delete any individual feedback you've received, or your whole account.

Where should I put my Admonymous URL?
Anywhere it can be seen by many people who have some interaction with you. The goal is not only to announce your URL and give them the ability to anonymously admonish and admire you, but also to provide them with an assurance of anonymity, which is why the URL should be public. Consider posting the link on your personal website, including it in your email signature, or putting it on your Facebook account.

I’m afraid people will abuse the site and use it to hurt me.
Putting yourself on the receiving end of anonymous feedback can certainly make you vulnerable. Read our suggestions for receiving admonition above.

I’m afraid of being identified.
See our suggestions for successfully maintaining anonymity.

I don’t want people to tell me things anonymously!
That’s fine. If you like, you can still use our site to give admonition to others. If you want face-to-face admonition, simply ask for it. That's not what Admonymous is for.

What about giving positive feedback?
Yes! Admonymous means “anonymous admonition and admiration”. Don’t forget to admire!